Today on the iPod: I think I want to marry you – Bruno Mars not because I plan on getting married again just that this song is so happy and bouncing perfect for walking to the station
Is anybody else really, really tired?
The last few weeks I seem to be constantly tired and I am wondering if it’s me or maybe something external like the weather.
I think maybe its mental exhaustion I have 2 more exams coming, one at the end of September and one at the start of October and I have been putting all my energy in to that. I am not worrying about the fact that I am getting nothing (and I mean nothing you should see the piles of washing in my bathroom) else done. But I seem to be less tired when I’m doing more. Days when I’m constantly running around and I don’t stop I’m tired at bed time but full of energy during the day.
Maybe I need another Red Bull….
This Panda is exactly how I feel every little step is a struggle…
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