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Sorry I’ve been neglecting you

On the iPod today: Pink raise a glass – I used to not really like this song, but it has grown on me and now it’s one of my favourites

I have been neglecting my blog lately because again I have been very, very busy but I can now tell you my secret mission! I am leaving my job. I am changing career and it’s scary and exciting and a bit sad and lots of other emotions. I also have exams again one in three weeks and another the week after so it’s been all go! But I will get back to regular blogging activity as soon as possible.

But enough about me so how’ve you been?

I read a quote today which made me smile:

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

This is nothing special, people are always complaining about the youth of today except that this is from 399 BC. I think maybe our kids aren’t actually any worse than the young people that came before them.

I have been trying to find a reliable source for this quote but it seems it was either Socrates or Plato so pick your favourite and go with that one…

Hope you all have a good weekend (when if finally gets here!)

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Help Wanted of the Day: 89-year-old Aaron Biber has been cutting hair in Tottenham for decades.
Last year, Aaron lost his wife. This year, he lost his business. Rioters ransacked his barbershop, smashed windows, and stole hairdryers. “I will probably have to close because I haven’t got insurance and I can’t afford the repairs,” Aaron says. They even stole his kettle :(

“Not so fast,” responds the Internet. A website has been launched to help Aaron fix his shop. So far nearly £17,000 have been donated.

Don’t let the minority run the show!

Another riot post sorry people but it’s all over the place now (and bored at work I’m reading constant updates!)

I’m proud of the residents that have stood up for their communities and high streets. I’m particularly proud of the Millwall fans that came out and patrolled Eltham high street. A group of people that are always portrayed as trouble makers it’s nice to see them doing the protecting. And as the man in this video says ‘we are just protecting our own’

I’m proud of the people that came out with brooms and bags and worked together to clear up the mess. The people that have offered to help in any way they can, these are the important things to see in all this rioting mess, the people that care. It is a minority that have caused this problem a minority that are working together to cause hell, but the good people can work together too and there are more of us then you!

London might have suffered but rioters and looters won’t win.

Come on London

It’s so sad to see these rioters and looters burning London. It’s an emotional time and it is scary, people’s homes and business’ are being destroyed. I have watched for the past three days as the riots have spread further and further and it makes me feel sick.

On the other hand the support and community from people offering their homes and help in clearing up the damage is great. The good decent people out number the bad but they are just quieter about it.  If you want to help there are lots of opportunities:

The #riotwombles are organising themselves on Twitter to help the worse areas clear up and people are offering shelter for people that are homeless because of the fires. showing pictures of looters you can identify them or add your own to the collection.

Stay safe people too many people I love and care about are in London in dangerous areas.

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