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Tattoo update

I thought I would give you all an update on my tattoo removal. I’ve had my second treatment now and I am pleased. I think it is fading at least I hope so!

Here is the latest picture. The black around the top of the cloud is nearly gone now so that’s good.


  1. Thanks for the update. Your photo inspires me to emulate you, and post a picture on my blog of the similar object I'm having removed from my body. Not a tattoo, per se. More of a hemorrhoid, actually. But the principle's the same.

  2. Ok..... Whatever makes you happy!

  3. Wow. This picture proves how close you were from having it removed. I bet it’s gone now. So, how was it when you had it removed? :) One important reminder is to always apply sunscreen with SPF 30+ everyday to protect it from the stinging rays of the sun.

    Cornell Finkel


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