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A step in the right direction...

Inspired by Mike Gayle The To-Do List I have decided that before my next birthday I really should make a move toward ticking off my own to-do list.

There are a lot of things I want to accomplish some are pretty big such as finish the first draft of my current novel and also finish editing and rewriting my other novel, others are a lot smaller like get around to hovering under the sofa. And one of my things on the list is to start and keep up a blog, even if nobody follows me I want to be able to tick it off at the end of the year and say I kept the blog going all year.

I will get around to putting up my big list and then I will feel even better when I manage to tick one of the items off but for now, this is just an intro to tell you (no one) what I will be rambling on about.

Enjoy :)


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