Here are the five things I have been up to this week:
Preparing and getting excited for the London Teacher-Author meet up tomorrow! I am really looking forward to seeing everyone and having some fun! It should be great!
There are still another 2 weeks to go until half term and I am feeling the teacher blues this week. Some times it feels like leadership team, parents, even the kids and the weather are against you. I need to remind myself on occasion to step back. Other people's opinions and judgements of me are theirs and none of my business. I choose to be happy!
I have been trying, not very successfully to organise my working hours. I spend much too much of my life working and while I love what I do, I do need a shut off point! I have decided to limit myself to not working past 7pm, not working on Sundays and really making an effort to turn off from work... Easier said than done!
And finally this week I have been really missing my baby. My little girl is off at university and I miss her so much! It is strange when she is home she spends most of time in her room but now she isn't here the house feels empty! At least she comes home to visit. I love her so much and I am so proud of the little grown up she is becoming!

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Have a Fabulous weekend everyone :)
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