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Get fit!

I want to be fit, since I started to drive I have hardly walked anywhere. I know this is why I am feeling fat and unfit. So in an effort to fix this I shall start to be much more healthy and I know that as with everything I need a plan....

So firstly I am gonna have to start ditching the car! This is not going to be easy I have come to rely on my car so much but it wasn't so long ago that the very idea of driving to the station or my local shops was insane.

So with this in mind I will make a real effort to leave the car at home and walk places but this is dependant on time as I am a person who is always late anyway i will only be doing this when I have no time pressures because there is a big difference between being 10 mins late and 40 mins late!

Right so that's the walking I will also play Just Dance with my daughter more, I like playing with her it is fun and active and it will make me fitter!

I will leave it at those two things for now, I will come back to this in a while but i think best to start slow ;)

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