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Write, Edit, Sub

In the pursuit of getting somewhere with my writing I’m sticking to the plan of:
One in draft, one in the edits, one on sub.

This is kind of working at the moment so I’m pleased with that. I have the WIP being worked on (almost) every week day, I sub at least once a week and I am (very) slowly working through my edits. This plan seems like it should be working but I don’t actually feel like I’m getting anywhere.

I don’t know if this is because I had a lot going on last week and didn’t really manage most of my weekly goals or if it is really because I’m not getting anywhere.

Also linked to the writing goals but moving away from novels, I am trying to write, edit and send out on sub at least one article a week. This includes researching the market so it is quite a big challenge. I often get people ask me where I find the time, I don’t actually know really, maybe this is something I should figure out as well….


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